Mr Vegas Explains His Feelings On Drake Hot97
Let me paint a picture for you
The year is 1985.
Michael Jackson is the biggest star on the planet. Not just the biggest star the planet has ever seen. He puts out a song that has a vibe from this new emerging stye of music with its own culture called Hip hop coming out of a small market in NYC.
In all his interviews Michael say in his soft MJ voice.
You know..
I really love hip hop...
Its just... so wonderful and delightful
No no really its amazing
I just adore the culture the style of dress and the music
That's why I had to incorporate it into my music and music videos and work with the artist
They're so talented
I just I love it!
But when you look at Mikes records Quincy Jones receives credit the song with let's say Madonna she gets credit and so on. Yet He does 3 tracks with hip hop artists ( of the culture he claims to love so much) yet none of them get credit.
That's a little more than fucked up. Its the very definition of a culture vulture.
Let's take this a step further one could say well you know Mike is black and that Hip hip even thought it was coming out of a small market mainly the black community of NYC. Mike is black an it's black American music. This only further's my point. Let's level this out
Same year same situation the artist is now Madonna
Now we're talking about appropriation
Like "Miley Was Good"
Like the same shit Iggy A takes for doing hip hop which now has become the Popular music of not just the US but the entire globe so Arguments could be made that they are hip hop and they have every right to participate. And how would Miley Cyrus look not crediting the Hip Hop artists she works with like Juicy J etc. CRAZY
The irony is that the same people criticizing Iggy for cultural appropriation are giving Drake a pass
But Drakes Black you say...
He's not Jamaican and he's not a part of the culture so in this case that singing Cultural appropriating Canadian bitch is Madonna.
+NileValleyDreams Writes
Mr. Vegas has issues with the fact that Drake is professing his love for dancehall and the reggae culture, he sampled several dancehall/reggae artistes and did not give them any credit.
Whilst, he sampled artistes from other genres and gave them credit. Hence, Mr. Vegas is contending that Drake is hypocritical, opportunistic and exploitative...
+Tony Wills Writes
salute to mr vegas he it kept 100 from start to finish, ebro wasn't tryna hear it. Yanks been using music styles from Jamaica dance hall scene and uk's grime scene for years and now that its being brought up (because social media proving ya'll takin our styles) yanks get sensitive. We know u created rap and we honor it but dont deny that american rap hasn't been influenced by other cultures drastically in recent years.
Response to:
+Tony Wills
I was with you till got to Grime...
1. Hip hop is a direct descendent of Dance Hall Period (Agreed)
2. Dance hall has been sampled and used in all forms of American music (Agreed)
3. Hip Hop in general has always been influenced by other cultures particularly the ones that embrace it. All you have to do is look at how hip hop has change as it moved across the US and into other parts of the world.
Peep the time line:
"Slick Rick" ( Nov 1988) "Monie Love" (October 30, 1990) Cypress Hill (1991) "Big Pun" (April 28, 1998)
"Eminem" (1999) "Diams" (2003) "Plan B" (2005) "Die Antwoord" (2007)
[Not bad that was off the top of my head had to google the years but chronology is correct]
Shit even Drake (2006) is a result of hip hops global/ cultural expansion. There have been singer rappers before but one might look at an artist such as LAUREN HILL (1996,1998), Plan B, Diams, NELLY (2000) and say hey was Drake influenced? We Know he likes to byte Styles. Rule #2in hip hop after Rule #1 Write your own shit! Irony, he's not a Yank as +TonyWillz puts it.
4. Grime is a sub genre of hip hop and like Hip Hop has indeed been used in other forms of music (agreed)
But to say that US Hip hop is stealing "taking our styles" when all your styles are derivative
You cant claim I'm in your lane when you're driving on my Highway
Hip Hop exists with out grime but Grime can't exist with out Hip Hop.
Inevitably some fuckboy fan boy will attempt to come for me saying I'm shitting on grime which is not the case so...
This is the part when I have to say NO SHADE TO GRIME I'm not Azealia Banks. This is just some history and thoughts and Facts.
If you don't know who 95% of the artist mentioned are you don't have the right to comment. Please submit your hip hop card for destruction.
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